Friday, July 10, 2009

BowLingual Voice, dog's voice translator

Takara Tomy, produce a miracle device that can translate barking dog called "BowLingual Voice", sounds great isn't it ??
This device will be shape like a necklace..

They claimed this device will translate your dog voice accurately into 100 words in Japanese language.
Seems you have to take Japanese language courses now.. ;p

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Laptop's Battery Charge

In this article, I will explain what's in my mind when someone wanna charge his/her notebook. In fact,there's 3 possibility when someone wanna charge his/her notebook.

First, replug adapter whenever the battery going empty.
Second, ALWAYS plug the adapter with battery installed.
Third, plug the adapter with battery uninstalled.

So many opinion on these 3 points. I will explain what's my opinion.

Like a cellphone, just charge your noteboook whenever your battery going empty. I believe it's only works with any notebook that stand more than 3 hours. Otherwise, you will feel bothered with this, and eventually leave the adapter attached. I'm sure many people do this in the first time. So, I don't think this option will be yours.
Conclusion : Effective, but trust me, you will sick with it.

Leave the adapter plugged while your battery attached. I think this is the best option. When your lights off, leave the rest to your battery. It'll backup your notebook, and you still have much time to save your work and shut down your notebook. The best features from your notebook is when your battery under 10%(adjustable), you can set it what you want your notebook do, is it "Standby" or "Hibernate". You can find this option in "Control Panel - Power Options"
Conclusion : Safety first... and I very vary recommend this option.

Leave the adapter plugged while your battery not attached.... I think this will be worst option. Just consider this illustration :
When you work with your notebook, copy-paste any file to your FDD, download any file, in another word "hardisk is working", the lights goes off or somebody accidentally pull out your adapter. Your notebook will be forced to turn off and in the end, there will be much problem with your hardisk, or maybe BSOD (Blue screen of death), power failure, etc.
Conclusion : I don't recommend this option

When your battery is full, your adapter will be change the path, from the battery to the notebook, you can see in your icontray, when your battery attached with the adapter plugged, your "power manager" smartly change the path into ac power

Different with cellphone's system, cellphone's power only depend to it's battery, so, when your battery 100%, when the power decreased, the adapter will force to charge the battery, in the end your problem will be "bleeding battery".

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USB next Level : USB 3.0

USB 3.0 is coming to town.... Seems Next level from usb known as USB 3.0 will be favorable for many user, "superspeed" will be the nickname for this technology.
Here's the History....

The USB 1.0 specification was introduced in 1996. It was intended to replace the multitude of connectors at the back of PCs, as well as to simplify software configuration of communication devices. The original USB 1.0 specification had a data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s.
USB was created by a core group of companies that consisted of Intel, Compaq, Microsoft, Digital, IBM, and Northern Telecom. Intel produced the UHCI host controller and open software stack; Microsoft produced a USB software stack for Windows and co-authored the OHCI host controller specification with National Semiconductor and Compaq; Philips produced early USB-Audio; and TI produced the most widely used hub chips. One of the co-inventors of the USB was Ajay Bhatt, who was later given credit in a television ad for Intel.

The USB 2.0 specification was released in April 2000 and was standardized by the USB-IF at the end of 2001. Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Lucent Technologies (now Alcatel-Lucent following its merger with Alcatel in 2006), Microsoft, NEC, and Philips jointly led the initiative to develop a higher data transfer rate, 480 Mbit/s, than the 1.0 specification of 12 Mbit/s.
The USB 3.0 specification was released on November 17, 2008 by the USB 3.0 Promoter Group. It has a transfer rate of up to 10 times faster than the USB 2.0 version and has been dubbed the SuperSpeed USB.

-A low speed rate of 1.5 Mbit/s is defined by USB 1.0. It is very similar to full speed operation except each bit takes 8 times as long to transmit. It is intended primarily to save cost in low-bandwidth human interface devices (HID) such as keyboards, mice, and joysticks.
The full speed rate of 12 Mbit/s is the basic USB data rate defined by USB 1.1. All USB hubs support full speed.
-A high-speed (USB 2.0) rate of 480 Mbit/s was introduced in 2001. All high-speed devices are capable of falling back to full-speed operation if necessary.
-A SuperSpeed (USB 3.0) rate of 5.0 Gbit/s. The USB 3.0 specification was released by Intel and its partners in August 2008, according to early reports from CNET news. The first USB 3 controller chips were sampled in May 2009 [7] and products using the 3.0 specification are expected to arrive in 2009 or 2010.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Farewell King of Pop... Jacko

Jacko's funeral done in Staples Center, LA Lakers HQ.
Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson also participate in this event.
Jackson's daughter Paris, 11, fought back tears to describe him as "the best father you could ever imagine".
The singer's coffin was placed in front of the stage during the event at the Staples Center in Los Angeles after an earlier private funeral.
Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder and Mariah Carey paid tribute before the family joined a sombre finale on stage.
Jackson's siblings, children and parents took part in a chorus of We Are The World and Heal the World.
His family, with the brothers each wearing a single jewelled glove in Jackson's honour, then took to the podium.
Comforted by aunts and uncles, Paris stepped up the microphone. "I just wanted to say, ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," she said."And I just wanted to say I love him so much."
Marlon Jackson spoke of the troubles his brother faced. "We will never, never, understand what he endured," he said.
"Not being able to walk across the street without a crowd gathered around, being judged, being ridiculed. How much pain can one take?
"Maybe now, Michael, they will leave you alone."
Jackson's brother Jermaine earlier took to the stage to perform the song Smile. It was said to be the King of Pop's favourite song, featuring the lyric: "Smile though your hearts are aching."
At the start of the service, Jackson's brothers carried the golden flower-draped coffin into the arena to the strains of a choir singing "Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the King" from the song Soon And Very Soon.

Mariah Carey was among the artists paying tribute, performing I'll Be There and ending with the words: "We miss you."
Stevie Wonder said: "This is a moment I wished I didn't live to see come. Michael I love you."
Civil rights leader the Reverend Al Sharpton gave a fiery speech, telling Jackson's children: "There weren't nothing strange about your daddy.
"It was strange what your daddy had to deal with but he dealt with it."

Motown boss Berry Gordy, who signed the Jackson Five, ended his tribute with the words: "Michael, thank you for the joy, thank you for the love. you will live in my heart forever."
Actress Brooke Shields, who first met Jackson when she was 13, broke down in tears as she took to the stage.
Describing Jackson as "pure", she said: "He was often referred to as the King but the Michael that I knew was always the little prince. Michael saw everything with his heart."
The 17,500 people in the arena cheered as clips of Jackson's life and music were played on big screens.
Messages were read from absent guests including former South African President Nelson Mandela, poet Maya Angelou and singer Diana Ross.

The message from Ross was read by Smokey Robinson. "I'm trying to find closure," it said.
"I want you to know that even though I am not there at the Staples Center I am there in my heart.
"Michael was a personal love of mine, a treasured part of my world, part of the fabric of my life in a way that I can't seem to find words to express.
"Michael wanted me to be there for his children and I will be there if they ever need me. I hope today brings closure for all those who loved him."

Other people taking part include Usher and Britain's Got Talent finalist Shaheen Jafargholi, who has played the young Michael Jackson in the musical Thriller - Live.
The stage was adorned with the star's image, alongside a mural carrying the words: "In Loving Memory. Michael Jackson King of Pop - 1958-2009."

*Everybody cried*
Speaking after the event, one fan, Marianne Green, told the BBC the memorial was "heart wrenching".
"It was really beautiful. A lot of people got up and said wonderful things," she said.
Pamela Green added: "We laughed at some jokes, but everybody cried. I've never seen anything like that, ever."
Millions of fans around the world watched on TV.
Roads were closed off and concrete barriers erected outside the Staples Center, where Jackson had been rehearsing a comeback show before his sudden death aged 50 on 25 June.
More than 1.6 million fans applied to attend the memorial event, with 8,750 people chosen at random to receive a pair of tickets.
Family members earlier attended a short funeral service at the Forest Lawn cemetery.

"There's nothing can't be done, if we raise out voice as one"

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Twilight 2009 : New Moon

Twilight had a successful story with their first series, now there's second series called : "New Moon"

Release date issue : 20 November 2009

At Bella's 18th birthday party at the Cullens' house, she gets a paper cut, and Jasper attempts to attack her. The Cullens decide it would be better for Bella's safety if they left, so they get away from Forks, leaving Bella heartbroken. She finds solace in family friend Jacob Black, who incidentally is a werewolf. But before Edward left, he made Bella promise she wouldn't do anything reckless or stupid but, as he'd already broken his promise to 'be there for as long as she wanted him', she decides to break her promise. She goes cliff-diving, which makes Edward think she has killed herself, although it was purely for recreational purposes. So Edward travels to Italy, to provoke the Volturi so they will kill him. Alice finds Bella, and they begin a race to the Italian city of Volterra to stop him.

Credit to Original poster....

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Harry Potter 6 : Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter back in action with the sixth series : Half Blood Prince.

Release Date : 15 July 2009

Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts turns out to be quite the exciting year. First off is the arrival of a new teacher at Hogwarts, Horace Slughorn, who is a bit more useful to Harry than he realizes. Next, Harry obtains a Potions book which used to belong to the very mysterious Half-Blood Prince. Harry finds that the Half-Blood Prince's ancient scribbles are written along the margins of almost every page, giving Harry advice on how to improve greatly on his Potions work, and also teaching him a few helpful (and dangerous) spells along the way.

Amidst this, Harry is starting private lessons with Professor Dumbledore, during which Harry learns the dark secrets of Voldemort's past, hoping that they could use these secrets to find a way to defeat him.

Harry's year gets even more stressful with the suspicious actions of Draco Malfoy, who has been sneaking around the school doing, so Harry assumes, Voldemort's bidding. Harry quickly becomes determined, and slightly obsessed, to find out exactly what Malfoy has been up to and putting an end to it.

Yet, during this time, Harry and his friends go through daily life, busy with school work, Quidditch (in which Harry has been made captain of the team), and, of course, romance. Ron has found a new girlfriend, Lavender Brown, a perky (if not obnoxious) Gryffindor student, and Hermione is not happy about it. Ron and Hermione's friendship takes a toll throughout the school year and Harry, as usual, is stuck in the middle. Harry, meanwhile, is facing a romantic dilemma of his own: he realizes he is falling for his best friend's sister, Ginny Weasley, who is unfortunately dating Harry's classmate, Dean Thomas. Harry's pining for Ginny and Ron's hilarious relationship with Lavender give this story a large dose of reality.

Throughout all the school drama, however, the obvious darkness of Voldemort's impending rise to power is always apparent. The incredible action-packed climax is sure to leave the audience stunned and, inevitably, prove that you shouldn't trust everybody who you think is good and also prove that not everyone can manage to survive.

Credit to original poster...

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Michael Jackson's public memorial announce...

Michael Jackson’s public memorial will be Tuesday, July 7th at 10:00 a.m. at Los Angeles’ Staples Center, the sight of the superstar’s final rehearsals for his This Is It! run of London concerts. 11,000 tickets will be passed out for the free event and a press conference hosted by concert promoter AEG today confirmed how those tickets will be distributed. One ticket will available for 2 person.

Fans interested in attending the Jackson memorial can log on to today through 6 p.m. PT Saturday. 17,500 tickets total will be made available: 11,000 for entrance to the Staples Center and 6,500 for neighboring Nokia Theatre, which will simulcast the memorial on three screens. 8,750 registered fans will be selected at random and receive two tickets apiece; they will receive a Ticketmaster code on Sunday between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. that will allow them to pick up tickets and wristbands on Monday at an undisclosed location. No tickets will be physically distributed at the Staples Center or Nokia Theatre. “It was our wish to allow as many of Michael’s fans to be part of the memorial, and we wish to thank everyone for their support and understanding at this difficult time,” Jackson Family said in a statement.

Questions over who will foot the bill for the memorial and its associated costs — particularly police deployment — remain partially unanswered as of today. At the press conference today, Perry said the event had “the potential to impact public safety” and urged fans to watch the memorial on television; a pool feed will provide footage to all the major networks and a Webcast will also be available. All tickets to the event are free, and AEG’s Tim Lieweke discouraged scalping: “Those who would take advantage of this, shame on them.” At 11:30 a.m. PT today, the Staples Center site had received 500,000,000 hits, forcing an additional server to be added to handle the registration demand.

No details about the memorial service itself — who will perform or attend — have been released. Original plans to hold Jackson’s memorial and burial at Neverland Ranch were abandoned for legal and logistical reasons.

Credit to original poster...

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